There are differences of principle about the meaning of history in the eyes of Western people and Islam. In a secular society, history is understood as a cycle that flows naturally. There is no God and the purpose behind the event. In the West, the course of history is determined by material factors in particular, economic development (Marxists, Hegel). From the materialistic and secular outlook is Fukuyama through the title of his book 'The End of History' said that liberal capitalism and democracy is the last model in the history of Western human life.
In Islam, the history of moving because of the human will is not governed by the laws of nature. History is governed by the laws of God. Law of God is in the nature of Islam is called an open book or unwritten. We can not understand the open book unless guided by a book which is written al-Qur'an. Although history is governed by the laws of God, but God does not become a part of it because He is Transcendent. Humans were given the freedom to choose his way of life (history) because humans are not inanimate objects; humans were given instructions and promises, given the reason and the will.
Again in view of the history of secular materialistic ends of the earth. Humans live once and then die. In Islamic history ended on the day of reckoning and is outside of history in a secular sense it.
So, the writing of history is a process depiction of the human facts objectively, but at the same time the object was placed on the balance of concepts contained in the book of God's reality is the written or unwritten. some of the Greek historian Dionysius of Halicarnassus (lived 1st BC) true that history is philosophy teaching by example.
History as an example can be reviewed in the word of God that said "Sees thou not how Allah sets forth a parable of good lines like a good tree, whose root is firm and its branches (rose) into the sky. It brings forth its fruit at every season by the permission of their Lord. God set forth parables for mankind so that they always remember "(Ibrahim: 24-25).
This means that the history of Islam stems from a doctrine that is understood and developed by humans who then grow like a tree, the life (Syajarah). Tree and then provide benefits (grace) or fruit to the man with the law and the will of God. The history of Islam is the interaction between values and practices of human life is sheltered by the will and the law of God.
In Islam, the history of moving because of the human will is not governed by the laws of nature. History is governed by the laws of God. Law of God is in the nature of Islam is called an open book or unwritten. We can not understand the open book unless guided by a book which is written al-Qur'an. Although history is governed by the laws of God, but God does not become a part of it because He is Transcendent. Humans were given the freedom to choose his way of life (history) because humans are not inanimate objects; humans were given instructions and promises, given the reason and the will.
Again in view of the history of secular materialistic ends of the earth. Humans live once and then die. In Islamic history ended on the day of reckoning and is outside of history in a secular sense it.
So, the writing of history is a process depiction of the human facts objectively, but at the same time the object was placed on the balance of concepts contained in the book of God's reality is the written or unwritten. some of the Greek historian Dionysius of Halicarnassus (lived 1st BC) true that history is philosophy teaching by example.
History as an example can be reviewed in the word of God that said "Sees thou not how Allah sets forth a parable of good lines like a good tree, whose root is firm and its branches (rose) into the sky. It brings forth its fruit at every season by the permission of their Lord. God set forth parables for mankind so that they always remember "(Ibrahim: 24-25).
This means that the history of Islam stems from a doctrine that is understood and developed by humans who then grow like a tree, the life (Syajarah). Tree and then provide benefits (grace) or fruit to the man with the law and the will of God. The history of Islam is the interaction between values and practices of human life is sheltered by the will and the law of God.